Meanings of minor planet names: 1001–1500

This is a list of the sources of minor planet names. Those meanings marked with an asterisk (*) are guesswork, and should be checked against Lutz D. Schmadel's Dictionary of Minor Planet Names or Paul Herget's The Names of the Minor Planets (marked [H]) to ensure that the identification is correct. Names established from other sources should quote the reference.

Name Provisional Designation Source of Name
1001 Gaussia 1923 OA Carl Friedrich Gauss, German mathematician [H]
1002 Olbersia 1923 OB Heinrich Olbers, German astronomer [H]
1003 Lilofee 1923 OK German legendary character (see Josef Magnus Wehner's Die schöne junge Lilofee, 1953) [H]
1004 Belopolskya 1923 OS Aristarkh Apollonovich Belopolsky, Russian astrophysicist [H]
1005 Arago 1923 OT François Arago, French astronomer [H]
1006 Lagrangea 1923 OU Joseph Louis Lagrange, French astronomer [H]
1007 Pawlowia 1923 OX Ivan Pavlov, Russian physiologist [H]
1008 La Paz 1923 PD La Paz, Bolivia [H]
1009 Sirene 1923 PE The Sirens of mythology [H]
1010 Marlene 1923 PF Marlene Dietrich, German actress [H]
1011 Laodamia 1924 PK "Named at the request of Kommendantoff" [H]
1012 Sarema 1924 PM A character in a poem by Aleksandr Sergeyevich Pushkin (made into an opera by Alexander von Zemlinsky: Sarema - Die Rose vom Kaukasus) [H]
1013 Tombecka 1924 PQ Daniel Tombeck, French chemist who in 1910 succeeded Amédée Guillet as secretary of the Faculty of Science of the University of Paris [H]
1014 Semphyra 1924 PW A character in a poem by Aleksandr Sergeyevich Pushkin [H]
1015 Christa 1924 QF Feminine surname [H]
1016 Anitra 1924 QG Feminine surname [H]
1017 Jacqueline 1924 QL Jacqueline Zadoc-Kahn, disciple of the discoverer [H]
1018 Arnolda 1924 QM Arnold Berliner, editor of Naturwissenschaften [H]
1019 Strackea 1924 QN Gustav Stracke, German astronomer (see also 1201 Strenua and 1227 Geranium) [H]
1020 Arcadia 1924 QV Arcadia, mythological Greek place and modern Greek province [H]
1021 Flammario 1924 RG Camille Flammarion, French astronomer [H]
1022 Olympiada 1924 RT The Olympic Games ([H] has no explanation)
1023 Thomana 1924 RU Boys' choir of St. Thomas Church, Leipzig, Germany [H]
1024 Hale 1923 YO13 George Ellery Hale, American astronomer [H]
1025 Riema 1923 NX Johannes Karl Richard Riem, German astronomer [H]
1026 Ingrid 1923 NY Niece of Albrecht Kahrstedt, German astronomer [H]
1027 Aesculapia 1923 YO11 Asclepius, Greek god; named to redeem Jupiter's promise to Minerva to place Aesculapius among the stars (formerly, Ophiuchus was called Aesculapius) [H]
1028 Lydina 1923 PG Lydia Il'inichna Albitskaya [1]
1029 La Plata 1924 RK La Plata, Argentina [H]
1030 Vitja 1924 RQ Viktor Zaslavsky, Russian World War II hero
1031 Arctica 1924 RR The Arctic [H]
1032 Pafuri 1924 SA Pafuri River, northern Transvaal, South Africa [H]
1033 Simona 1924 SM Discoverer's daughter, Simone van Biesbroeck, who married John Titus [H]
1034 Mozartia 1924 SS Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, German composer [H]
1035 Amata 1924 SW Possibly Amata [2]
1036 Ganymed 1924 TD Ganymede, mythological cupbearer [3]
1037 Davidweilla 1924 TF One of the members of the David-Weill family, member of the Academy of Sciences and benefactor of the Sorbonne [H]
1038 Tuckia 1924 TK Mr. and Mrs. Edward Tuck, philanthropists; Edward was the son of the founder of the American Republican Party [H]
1039 Sonneberga 1924 TL Sonneberg Observatory (Sternwarte Sonneberg) [H]
1040 Klumpkea 1925 BD Dorothea Klumpke Roberts, American amateur astronomer, first woman to receive a Ph.D. in Mathematics from the Sorbonne [H]
1041 Asta 1925 FA "Possibly named by Gustav Stracke" [H]
1042 Amazone 1925 HA The River Amazon ("Name proposed by Gustav Stracke" [H])
1043 Beate 1925 HB "Named by Gustav Stracke" [H]
1044 Teutonia 1924 RO The Teutonic peoples ("Named by Gustav Stracke" [H])
1045 Michela 1924 TR Discoverer's daughter, Micheline van Biesbroeck [H]
1046 Edwin 1924 UA Discoverer's son, Edwin van Biesbroeck [H]
1047 Geisha 1924 TE Geisha, Japanese female entertainer; [H] says the asteroid was named for the "opera of the same name", which probably means Sidney Jones's musical comedy The Geisha (or possibly Madama Butterfly)
1048 Feodosia 1924 TP Crimean city of Feodosiya (Theodosia), Ukraine ([H] simply says "Name proposed by the orbit computer, I. Putilin")
1049 Gotho 1925 RB German masculine surname [H]
1050 Meta 1925 RC German feminine surname [H]
1051 Merope 1925 SA Merope, Greek muse and goddess [H]
1052 Belgica 1925 VD Belgium [H]
1053 Vigdis 1925 WA "Name of a planet" [H]; Vigdís is a common Ancient Scandinavian and Icelandic feminine surname, meaning simply "war goddess"
1054 Forsytia 1925 WD The Forsythia genus of flowering shrubs [H]
1055 Tynka 1925 WG Mother of Emil Buchar, of the Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics, Czech Technical University in Prague [H]
1056 Azalea 1924 QD The azalea flowering shrubs, then thought a genus of their own, now sub-genera of the Rhododendron genus [H]
1057 Wanda 1925 QB Polish feminine name [H]
1058 Grubba 1925 MA Sir Howard Grubb of Parson and Co., Newcastle on Tyne, England, maker of the 40-inch reflecting telescope of the Simeis Observatory [H]
1059 Mussorgskia 1925 OA Modest Mussorgsky, Russian composer [H]
1060 Magnolia 1925 PA The Magnolia genus of flowering trees [H]
1061 Paeonia 1925 TB The peony flowering plant, genus Paeonia [H]
1062 Ljuba 1925 TD Russian feminine surname, diminutive of Ljubov (e.g. Lyuba Berlin, Soviet parachutist) [H]
1063 Aquilegia 1925 XA The columbine flower, genus Aquilegia [H]
1064 Aethusa 1926 PA The Fool's parsley herb, genus Aethusa [H]
1065 Amundsenia 1926 PD Roald Amundsen, polar explorer [H]
1066 Lobelia 1926 RA The Indian tobacco flower, genus Lobelia [H]
1067 Lunaria 1926 RG The honesty flowering plant, genus Lunaria [H]
1068 Nofretete 1926 RK Nefertiti, wife of the Egyptian pharaoh Amenhotep IV [H]
1069 Planckia 1927 BC Max Planck, German physicist and Nobelist, on the occasion of his 80th birthday [H]
1070 Tunica 1926 RB The Tunica genus of flowering plants of the pink or carnation family ([H] has no explanation)
1071 Brita 1924 RE ([H] has no explanation)
1072 Malva 1926 TA The mallow plant, genus Malva [H]
1073 Gellivara 1923 OW Gällivare, Swedish Lapland, where on June 29, 1927, astronomers from several countries observed a total solar eclipse [H]
1074 Beljawskya 1925 BE Sergei Ivanovich Belyavsky, Russian astronomer [H]
1075 Helina 1926 SC Helij Grigor'evich Neujmin, a son of the discoverer [4]
1076 Viola 1926 TE The violets, pansies and violas, genus Viola [H]
1077 Campanula 1926 TK The Campanula genus of flowers [H]
1078 Mentha 1926 XB The true mints, genus Mentha [H]
1079 Mimosa 1927 AD The Mimosa genus of herbs and shrubs, although the discoverer apparently meant the silk tree (Albizia julibrissin), since he referred to a « flowering tree » [H]
1080 Orchis 1927 QB The orchid flowers, genus Orchis [H]
1081 Reseda 1927 QF The mignonette, genus Reseda [H]
1082 Pirola 1927 UC The wintergreen, genus Pirola' [H]
1083 Salvia 1928 BC The sage plant, genus Salvia [H]
1084 Tamariwa 1926 CC Tamara Ivanova, Soviet parachutist [H]
1085 Amaryllis 1927 QH The Amaryllis genus of the belladonna lily flower [H]
1086 Nata 1927 QL Russian feminine name, diminutive of Natalia (e.g. Nata Babushkina, Soviet parachutist) [H]
1087 Arabis 1927 RD The Arabis genus of herbs from the mustard family [H]
1088 Mitaka 1927 WA Mitaka, Tokyo, where the Tokyo Astronomical Observatory is situated [H]
1089 Tama 1927 WB Tama River, Japan, which flows near the Tokyo Astronomical Observatory [H]
1090 Sumida 1928 DG Sumida River (Sumidagawa), Tokyo [H]
1091 Spiraea 1928 DT The Spiraea genus of flowering shrubs [H]
1092 Lilium 1924 PN The true lily flower, genus Lilium [H]
1093 Freda 1925 LA Fred Prévost, civil engineer of mines and benefactor of the Faculty of sciences of Bordeaux [H]
1094 Siberia 1926 CB Siberia, region of Russia [H]
1095 Tulipa 1926 GS The tulip flower. genus Tulipa [H]
1096 Reunerta 1928 OB Theodore Reunert, of the South African Association for the Advancement of Science, mining engineer and supporter of the former Union Observatory in South Africa, friend of the discoverer [H]
1097 Vicia 1928 PC The Vicia genus of flowering plants [H]
1098 Hakone 1928 RJ Hakone, Japan
1099 Figneria 1928 RQ Vera Figner, Russian revolutionary
1100 Arnica 1928 SD The lamb's skin plants, genus Arnica [H]
1101 Clematis 1928 SJ The clematis flower, genus Clematis [H]
1102 Pepita 1928 VA Feminine form of Pepito, the discoverer's nickname [H]
1103 Sequoia 1928 VB Sequoia National Park [H]
1104 Syringa 1928 XA The lilac, genus Syringa [H]
1105 Fragaria 1929 AB The strawberry, genus Fragaria [H]
1106 Cydonia 1929 CW The quince, genus Cydonia [H]
1107 Lictoria 1929 FB Lictoria, Italy, a new city established on reclaimed land near Rome during the Fascist regime [H]
1108 Demeter 1929 KA Demeter, Greek goddess [H]
1109 Tata 1929 CU Tata, a small town in Hungary, 70 km NNW of Budapest, known for its castle (Zsigmond Castle) and lakes
1110 Jaroslawa 1928 PD Jarosław, Poland [H]
1111 Reinmuthia 1927 CO Karl Wilhelm Reinmuth, German astronomer [H]
1112 Polonia 1928 PE Latin for Poland [H]
1113 Katja 1928 QC Russian feminine name [H]
1114 Lorraine 1928 WA Lorraine, France ? ([H] has no explanation)
1115 Sabauda 1928 XC Latin name of the House of Savoy [H]
1116 Catriona 1929 GD A Scottish feminine name [H], title of one of Robert Louis Stevenson's novels [H]
1117 Reginita 1927 KA Niece of the discoverer [H]
1118 Hanskya 1927 QD Alexis Hansky (Alexej Pavlovich Hansky), Russian astronomer [H]
1119 Euboea 1927 UB Euboea, Greece [H]
1120 Cannonia 1928 RV Annie Jump Cannon, American astronomer [H]
1121 Natascha 1928 RZ Russian feminine name [H]
1122 Neith 1928 SB Neith, Egyptian goddess [H]
1123 Shapleya 1928 ST Harlow Shapley, American astronomer [H]
1124 Stroobantia 1928 TB Paul Stroobant, Belgian astronomer [H]
1125 China 1957 UN1 China [H]
1126 Otero 1929 AC ([H] has no explanation)
1127 Mimi 1929 AJ Wife of Eugène Delporte; 1127 Mimi and 1145 Robelmonte had their proposed names swapped by error [H]
1128 Astrid 1929 EB Astrid of Sweden (Astrid Sofia Lovisa Thyra), Queen consort of King Léopold III of Belgium [H]
1129 Neujmina 1929 PH Grigorii Nikolaevich Neujmin, Russian astronomer [H]
1130 Skuld 1929 RC Skuld, in Norse mythology, one of the three Norns, the Future [H]
1131 Porzia 1929 RO Character in Shakespeare's play Julius Caesar [H]
1132 Hollandia 1929 RB1 Latin name for the Netherlands [H]
1133 Lugduna 1929 RC1 Feminine form of the Latin name of the Dutch city of Leiden, Lugdunum Batavorum ; or else of the French city of Lyon, Lugdunum [H]
1134 Kepler 1929 SA Johannes Kepler, astronomer [H]
1135 Colchis 1929 TA Colchis, Asia Minor, now Georgia [H]
1136 Mercedes 1929 UA Sister-in-law of the discoverer [H]
1137 Raïssa 1929 WB Raissa Ivanovna Maseeva, asteroid orbit computer
1138 Attica 1929 WF Attica, Greece [H]
1139 Atami 1929 XE Atami, Shizuoka, Japan [H]
1140 Crimea 1929 YC Crimea, Ukraine [H]
1141 Bohmia 1930 AA Mrs. Bohm-Walz, who donated the Walz reflector to the Heidelberg Observatory [H]
1142 Aetolia 1930 BC Aetolia, Greece [H]
1143 Odysseus 1930 BH Odysseus, Greek hero [H]
1144 Oda 1930 BJ ([H] has no explanation)
1145 Robelmonte 1929 CC Robelmont, Belgium, birthplace of Sylvain Arend; 1127 Mimi and 1145 Robelmonte had their proposed names swapped by error [H]
1146 Biarmia 1929 JF Bjarmaland, legendary land [H]
1147 Stavropolis 1929 LF Stavropol, the city in Russia [H]
1148 Rarahu 1929 NA Tahitian girl's name, from Pierre Loti's novel Rarahu, later reprinted as Le Mariage de Loti [H]
1149 Volga 1929 PF Volga River, Russia [H]
1150 Achaia 1929 RB Achaea, Homeric name for Greece [H]
1151 Ithaka 1929 RK Ithaca, Greece [H]
1152 Pawona 1930 AD In honour of the collaboration between the astronomers Johann Palisa and Max Wolf [H]
1153 Wallenbergia 1924 SL Georg James Wallenberg, German mathematician [H]
1154 Astronomia 1927 CB Astronomy [H]
1155 Aënna 1928 BD "AN", for Astronomische Nachrichten [H]
1156 Kira 1928 DA Named by Max Mündler, German astronomer [H]
1157 Arabia 1929 QC Arabia [H]
1158 Luda 1929 QF Feminine Russian name, diminutive of "Ludmilla" [H]
1159 Granada 1929 RD Granada, Spain [H]
1160 Illyria 1929 RL Illyria, Croatia [H]
1161 Thessalia 1929 SF Thessalia, Greece [H]
1162 Larissa 1930 AC Larissa, Greece [H]
1163 Saga 1930 BA The Norse sagas [H]
1164 Kobolda 1930 FB Hermann Kobold, German astronomer, and editor of the Astronomische Nachrichten from 1907–1938 [H]
1165 Imprinetta 1930 HM Wife of the discoverer, Dutch astronomer Hendrik van Gent [H]
1166 Sakuntala 1930 MA Sakuntala or Shakuntala, a character in an ancient Sanskrit drama [H]
1167 Dubiago 1930 PB Aleksandr Dmitrievich Dubyago, Russian astronomer [H]
1168 Brandia 1930 QA Eugène Brand, Belgian mathematician [H]
1169 Alwine 1930 QH A common German feminine name [H]
1170 Siva 1930 SQ The Hindu god Shiva or Siva, Lord of Knowledge [H]
1171 Rusthawelia 1930 TA Shota Rustaveli (Schota Rusthaweli), Georgian poet [H]
1172 Äneas 1930 UA Aeneas, Trojan prince [H]
1173 Anchises 1930 UB Anchises, mythological Trojan [H]
1174 Marmara 1930 UC Sea of Marmara [H]
1175 Margo 1930 UD (Unspecified) [H]
1176 Lucidor 1930 VE Friend of the discoverer and amateur astronomer [H]
1177 Gonnessia 1930 WA François Gonnessiat, French astronomer and director of the Algiers Observatory at Bouzaréah, Algeria [H]
1178 Irmela 1931 EC Irmela Ruska, wife of Ernst Ruska, German inventor of the electron microscope and Nobelist [H]
1179 Mally 1931 FD Daughter-in-law of discoverer, wife of Franz Wolf (presumably Max Wolf's brother) [H]
1180 Rita 1931 GE "A girl's name" [H]
1181 Lilith 1927 CQ (Marie-Juliette Olga) Lili Boulanger, French classical composer [H]
1182 Ilona 1927 EA "Name proposed by Gustav Stracke" [H]
1183 Jutta 1930 DC "Name proposed by Gustav Stracke" [H]
1184 Gaea 1926 RE Gaia, Greek goddess
1185 Nikkō 1927 WC Nikkō, Tochigi prefecture, Japan [H]
1186 Turnera 1929 PL Herbert Hall Turner, British astronomer [H]
1187 Afra 1929 XC "Name proposed by Gustav Stracke" [H]
1188 Gothlandia 1930 SB Ancient name of Catalonia [H]
1189 Terentia 1930 SG Lidiya Ivanovna Terent’eva, Russian astronomer and orbit computer [H]
1190 Pelagia 1930 SL Pelageya Fedorovna Shajn, Russian astronomer [H]
1191 Alfaterna 1931 CA Nuceria Alfaterna, ancient city founded by the Oschi, between Pompeii and Salerno, now beneath Nocera Superiore, birthplace of Alfonso Fresa, Italian astronomer, who proposed the name [H]
1192 Prisma 1931 FE In honour of the Bergedorfer Spektralkatalog (spectral catalogue), as prisms are one method of obtaining spectra [H]
1193 Africa 1931 HB Africa [H]
1194 Aletta 1931 JG Wife of discoverer [H]
1195 Orangia 1931 KD Orange Province, South Africa (now the Free State Province) [H]
1196 Sheba 1931 KE Queen of Sheba, Biblical character [H]
1197 Rhodesia 1931 LD Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) [H]
1198 Atlantis 1931 RA Possibly Atlantis, mythological land [H]
1199 Geldonia 1931 RF Latin name of Jodoigne, Belgium, birthplace of discoverer [H]
1200 Imperatrix 1931 RH ([H] has no explanation)
1201 Strenua 1931 RK Latin Strenuus, "diligent, careful", virtues exemplified by Gustav Stracke, German astronomer and orbit computer, who had asked that no asteroid be named after him (see also 1227 Geranium, below) [H]
1202 Marina 1931 RL Marina Davydovna Lavrova-Berg, who worked at Pulkovo Observatory in 1931–1942 ([H] just says "Russian girl name")
1203 Nanna 1931 TA Name of many paintings by the German painter Anselm Feuerbach, one of which was in the possession of the discoverer's family [H]
1204 Renzia 1931 TE Franz Robert Renz (Franz Franzevich Renz), German-Russian astronomer [H]
1205 Ebella 1931 TB1 Martin Ebell (Carl Wilhelm Ludwig Martin Ebell), German astronomer [H]
1206 Numerowia 1931 UH Boris Vasil'evich Numerov, Russian astronomer [H]
1207 Ostenia 1931 VT Hans Osten, German astronomer [H]
1208 Troilus 1931 YA Troilus, Trojan prince, killed by Achilles [H]
1209 Pumma 1927 HA Nickname of a niece of Albrecht Kahrstedt, German astronomer [H]
1210 Morosovia 1931 LB Nikolai Alexandrovich Morozov, Russian revolutionary [H]
1211 Bressole 1931 XA Nephew of discoverer [H]
1212 Francette 1931 XC Wife of discoverer [H]
1213 Algeria 1931 XD Algeria [H]
1214 Richilde 1932 AA ([H] has no explanation)
1215 Boyer 1932 BA Louis Boyer, French astronomer
1216 Askania 1932 BL Askania-Werke, German optical and precision instrument makers [H]
1217 Maximiliana 1932 EC Max Wolf (Maximilian Franz Joseph Cornelius Wolf), German astronomer [H]
1218 Aster 1932 BJ Aster, a genus of Asteraceae flowering plants [H]
1219 Britta 1932 CJ ([H] has no explanation)
1220 Crocus 1932 CU Crocus, a genus of Iridaceae flowering plants [H]
1221 Amor 1932 EA1 Amor, Roman god of love (the minor planet makes close approaches to Earth, like a lover) [H]
1222 Tina 1932 LA Amateur astronomer and friend of the discoverer [H]
1223 Neckar 1931 TG Neckar River, Germany, tributary of the Rhine [H]
1224 Fantasia 1927 SD Fantasy ([H] has no explanation)
1225 Ariane 1930 HK Ariane Leprieur, leading character of Gabriel Marcel's play Le Chemin de crête [H]
1226 Golia 1930 HL Jacobus Golius (Iacobo Golio, Jakob Gool), orientalist who held the chair of Arabic, founder of the Sterrewacht Leiden (Leiden Observatory), who succeeded Willebrord Snell in the chair of Mathematics and Astronomy at the University of Leiden [H]
1227 Geranium 1931 TD Geranium, a genus of Geraniaceae flowering plants. The initials of the minor planets 1227 through 1234, all discovered by K. Reinmuth, spell out "G. Stracke", German astronomer and orbit computer, who had asked that no planet be named after him. [H]
1228 Scabiosa 1931 TU Scabiosa, a genus of Dipsacaceae flowering plants [H]
1229 Tilia 1931 TP1 Tilia, the linden and lime trees [H]
1230 Riceia 1931 TX1 Hugh Rice, American amateur astronomer [H]
1231 Auricula 1931 TE2 Primula auricula, flowering plants [H]
1232 Cortusa 1931 TF2 Cortusa, a genus of Primulaceae flowering plants [H]
1233 Kobresia 1931 TG2 Kobresia, a genus of Cyperaceae plants (sedges) [H]
1234 Elyna 1931 UF Elyna, a genus of Cyperaceae plants (sedges) [H]
1235 Schorria 1931 UJ Richard Reinhard Emil Schorr, German astronomer [H]
1236 Thaïs 1931 VX ([H] has no explanation)
1237 Geneviève 1931 XB Eldest daughter of discoverer [H]
1238 Predappia 1932 CA Predappio, Italy, birthplace of Benito Mussolini [H]
1239 Queteleta 1932 CB Lambert Adolphe Jacques Quételet, Belgian mathematician, statistician, meteorologist, and astronomer, first director of the Royal Observatory of Belgium at Brussels [H]
1240 Centenaria 1932 CD In honour of the 100th anniversary of Hamburg Observatory [H]
1241 Dysona 1932 EB1 Sir Frank Watson Dyson, British astronomer, director of Greenwich Observatory and president of the IAU 1928–1932 [H]
1242 Zambesia 1932 HL Then-British territories of the Zambezi River Basin, Africa [H]
1243 Pamela 1932 JE Discoverer's daughter [H]
1244 Deira 1932 KE Ancient name of Ossett, Yorkshire, the discoverer's birthplace [H] (An exaggeration; in actuality, the ancient Kingdom of Deira encompassed most of modern Yorkshire)
1245 Calvinia 1932 KF Calvinia, Cape Province, South Africa [H]
1246 Chaka 1932 OA Shaka, king of the Zulus [H]
1247 Memoria 1932 QA Latin for "remembrance"; the discoverer was often reminded of her pleasant relationship while in Uccle in 1932 [H]
1248 Jugurtha 1932 RO Jugurtha, Numidian king and enemy of Rome [H]
1249 Rutherfordia 1932 VB Lord Rutherford, physicist, Nobelist [H]; however, other sources state it was named after the city of Rutherford, New York, as proposed by Irving Meyer of that city
1250 Galanthus 1933 BD Galanthus, the snowdrop [H]
1251 Hedera 1933 BE Hedera, the ivy [H]
1252 Celestia 1933 DG Celestia Whipple, mother of discoverer [H]
1253 Frisia 1931 TV1 Possibly the Latin name for Friesland and the teutonic tribe that gave its name to the area [H]
1254 Erfordia 1932 JA Erfurt, Germany, birthplace of the discoverer [H]
1255 Schilowa 1932 NC Mariya Vasilyevna Zhilova (M. W. Schilowa), Russian astronomer and orbit computer [H]
1256 Normannia 1932 PD "Possibly named for the inhabitants of Normandy" [H]
1257 Móra 1932 PE Károly Móra (1899–1938, also called Károly Mórawetz), Hungarian astronomer, who succeeded Antal Tass as Director of Konkoly Observatory [H]
1258 Sicilia 1932 PG Sicily, Italy [H]
1259 Ógyalla 1933 BT Ógyalla, in Hungary, site of the Konkoly Observatory, then also called the Ógyalla Observatory [H]
1260 Walhalla 1933 BW Walhalla Memorial Hall, near Regensburg, Germany [H]
1261 Legia 1933 FB Latin for Liège, Belgium [H]
1262 Sniadeckia 1933 FE Jan Śniadecki, Polish scholar, professor of mathematics and astronomy, founder of Kraków Observatory [H]
1263 Varsavia 1933 FF Latin name of Warsaw, capital of Poland [H]
1264 Letaba 1933 HG Letaba River, Transvaal, South Africa [H]
1265 Schweikarda 1911 MV Maiden name (Schweikard) of discoverer's mother [H]
1266 Tone 1927 BD Tone River, Kantō region, largest river of Japan [H]
1267 Geertruida 1930 HD Sister of G. Pels, computational assistant at Sterrewacht Leiden (Leiden Observatory), and daughter of Mr. Hameslag [H]
1268 Libya 1930 HJ Libya [H]
1269 Rollandia 1930 SH Romain Rolland, French writer [H]
1270 Datura 1930 YE Datura stramonium, the thorn apple [H]
1271 Isergina 1931 TN Pyotr Vasilyevich Isergin, doctor, a friend of the discoverer (who was treated by him) [H]
1272 Gefion 1931 TZ1 Gefjun (Gefion) Fountain, Copenhagen, Denmark [H]
1273 Helma 1932 PF Acquaintance of Friedrich Schwab, German astronomer [H]
1274 Delportia 1932 WC Eugène Delporte, Belgian astronomer [H]
1275 Cimbria 1932 WG The Cimbrians, encountered by the Romans in Noricum, 2nd century BC [H]
1276 Ucclia 1933 BA Named for the city of Uccle and for the Royal Observatory of Belgium situated there [H]
1277 Dolores 1933 HA Dolores Ibarruri, Spanish political leader [H]
1278 Kenya 1933 LA Kenya [H]
1279 Uganda 1933 LB Uganda [H]
1280 Baillauda 1933 QB Jules Baillaud, French astronomer [H]
1281 Jeanne 1933 QJ Jeanne Arend, daughter of discoverer [H]
1282 Utopia 1933 QM1 Utopia, mythical place [H]
1283 Komsomolia 1925 SC Komsomol, the Soviet youth organization [H]
1284 Latvia 1933 OP Latvia [H]
1285 Julietta 1933 QF Discoverer's daughter-in-law [H]
1286 Banachiewicza 1933 QH Tadeusz Banachiewicz (Thaddeus Banachiewicz), Polish astronomer, director of the Kraków Observatory [H]
1287 Lorcia 1933 QL Wife of Tadeusz Banachiewicz, Polish astronomer [H]
1288 Santa 1933 QM Named by the orbit's computer, E. de Caro, Italian astronomer [H]
1289 Kutaïssi 1933 QR Kutaïssi, Georgia [H]
1290 Albertine 1933 QL1 Albert I, King of Belgium, who died shortly after the asteroid's discovery [H]
1291 Phryne 1933 RA Phryne, a hetaera of the 4th century BC, celebrated for her beauty [H]
1292 Luce 1933 SH Wife of discoverer [H]
1293 Sonja 1933 SO Name chosen by the orbit's computer [H]
1294 Antwerpia 1933 UB1 Antwerp, Belgium [H]
1295 Deflotte 1933 WD Nephew of discoverer [H]
1296 Andrée 1933 WE Discoverer's niece [H]
1297 Quadea 1934 AD Parents-in-law of the discoverer's brother, Prof. E. Reinmuth [H]
1298 Nocturna 1934 AE Night [H]
1299 Mertona 1934 BA Gerald Merton, English astronomer [H]
1300 Marcelle 1934 CL Second daughter of discoverer [H]
1301 Yvonne 1934 EA Sister of discoverer [H]
1302 Werra 1924 SV Werra River, Germany [H]
1303 Luthera 1928 FP Robert Luther, German astronomer [H]
1304 Arosa 1928 KC Arosa, Switzerland [H]
1305 Pongola 192148 OC Pongola River, South Africa [H]
1306 Scythia 1930 OB Scythia, ancient Russian region [H]
1307 Cimmeria 1930 UF Cimmeria, ancient Ukrainian region around Crimea [H]
1308 Halleria 1931 EB Albrecht von Haller (1708—1777), Swiss physician, botanist and poet [5]
1309 Hyperborea 1931 TO Hyperborea, mythical land [H]
1310 Villigera 1932 DB Walter A. Villiger, Swiss astronomer, head of the department of astronomical instruments of Carl Zeiss, Jena [H]
1311 Knopfia 1933 FF1 Otto Knopf, German astronomer at Jena, Germany [H]
1312 Vassar 1933 OT Vassar College, where the orbit computer (American astronomer Maud Worcester Makemson) taught [H]
1313 Berna 1933 QG Bern, Switzerland (at the request of Sigmund Mauderli, the orbit's computer) [H]
1314 Paula 1933 SC Wife of discoverer [H]
1315 Bronislawa 1933 SF1 Saint Bronislas of Poland [H]
1316 Kasan 1933 WC Kazan, Russia, on the Volga [H]
1317 Silvretta 1935 RC Silvretta, a mountain range in the Alps [H]
1318 Nerina 1934 FG Nerine genus of Amaryllidaceae flowering plants [H]
1319 Disa 1934 FO Disa genus of showy, large tropical terrestrial orchids [H]
1320 Impala 1934 JG The impala antelope [H]
1321 Majuba 1934 JH Amajuba, a mountain in northern Natal, part of the Drakensberg range, South Africa, site of the Battle of Majuba Hill [H]
1322 Coppernicus 1934 LA Nicolaus Copernicus, Polish astronomer [H]
1323 Tugela 1934 LD Tugela River, Natal, South Africa [H]
1324 Knysna 1934 LL Knysna, town in the Western Cape Province of South Africa [H]
1325 Inanda 1934 NR Inanda, Zulu village in South Africa [H]
1326 Losaka 1934 NS Lusaka, Zambia (then North Rhodesia) [H]
1327 Namaqua 1934 RT Namaqua, coastal region of South-West Africa [H]
1328 Devota 1925 UA Fortunato Devoto, president of the National Council of Observatories of Argentina, friend of the discoverer [H]
1329 Eliane 1933 FL Éliane, daughter of Paul Bourgeois, Belgian astronomer [H]
1330 Spiridonia 1925 DB Brother-in-law of discoverer [H] and/or Spiridon Ilyich Zaslavsky, World War II hero
1331 Solvejg 1933 QS Character in Peer Gynt, drama by Norwegian playwright Henrik Ibsen [H]
1332 Marconia 1934 AA Guglielmo Marconi, Italian radio pioneer, physicist, and Nobel Prize winner [H]
1333 Cevenola 1934 DA The Cévennes, mountainous region of southern France [H]
1334 Lundmarka 1934 OB Knut Lundmark, Swedish astronomer [H]
1335 Demoulina 1934 RE Prof. Demoulin, Belgian astronomer, of the University of Ghent [H]
1336 Zeelandia 1934 RW Latin name for Zeeland, in the Southwest Netherlands [H]
1337 Gerarda 1934 RA1 Wife of G. Pels, computational assistant at Sterrewacht Leiden (Leiden Observatory)
1338 Duponta 1934 XA Marc Dupont, nephew of the discoverer [H]
1339 Désagneauxa 1934 XB Brother-in-law of the discoverer [H]
1340 Yvette 1934 YA Niece of the discoverer [H]
1341 Edmée 1935 BA Edmée Chandon, French astronomer [H]
1342 Brabantia 1935 CV Latin name of the province of Brabant, Belgium and The Netherlands, whose capital is Brussels [H]
1343 Nicole 1935 FC Niece of the discoverer [H]
1344 Caubeta 1935 GA Paul Caubet, French astronomer at the Toulouse Observatory [H]
1345 Potomac 1908 CG Potomac River, USA [H]
1346 Gotha 1929 CY Gotha, Thuringia, Germany, location of the old Gotha Observatory (Sternwarte Gotha or Seeberg-Sternwarte) established by Duke Ernst I of Saxe-Coburg and whose first director was Franz Xaver von Zach [H]
1347 Patria 1931 VW Latin for "fatherland" [H]
1348 Michel 1933 FD Michel Arend, older son of the discoverer [H]
1349 Bechuana 1934 LJ Bechuana Province of central South Africa, which became Bechuanaland, then Botswana [H]
1350 Rosselia 1934 TA Marie-Thérèse Rossel, editor of the Belgian newspaper Le Soir (1946+) [H]
1351 Uzbekistania 1934 TF Uzbekistan, then the Uzbek Soviet Socialist Republic, where the discoverer resided; the name was found posthumously, handwritten in the discoverer's personal copy of Kleine Planeten für 1941 [H]
1352 Wawel 1935 CE Wawel Castle, Kraków, Poland, also seat of the Wawel Cathedral [H]
1353 Maartje 1935 CU Daughter of B. G. Mekking, Dutch computational assistant at Sterrewacht Leiden (Leiden Observatory) [H]
1354 Botha 1935 GK Louis Botha, first prime minister of the Union of South Africa [H]
1355 Magoeba 1935 HE Magoeba, native chief of the North Transvaal, South Africa [H]
1356 Nyanza 1935 JH Nyanza Province, Kenya [H]
1357 Khama 1935 ND King Khama of the Bechuana, South Africa [H]
1358 Gaika 1935 OB Ngqika (a.k.a. Gaika), Xhosa chief of Transkei, South Africa (then British Kaffraria) [H]
1359 Prieska 1935 OC Prieska village, Cape Province, South Africa [H]
1360 Tarka 1935 OD Tarka, chief of Transkei, South Africa, who also gave his name to the town of Tarkastad [H]
1361 Leuschneria 1935 QA Armin Otto Leuschner, American astronomer, head of the Department of Astronomy of the University of California at Berkeley [H]
1362 Griqua 1935 QG1 Griqua tribe of Griqualand, South Africa [H]
1363 Herberta 1935 RA Herbert Clark Hoover, American president 1929-1933, earlier president of the Commission for Relief in Belgium (1915–1919); named in his honour after his 1938 visit to Belgium [H]
1364 Safara 1935 VB André Safar of Algiers [H]
1365 Henyey 1928 RK Louis G. Henyey, American astronomer
1366 Piccolo 1932 WA Italian for 'small'; pseudonym of Auguste Cauvin, a.k.a. d'Arsac, editor-in-chief of the Brussels newspaper "Le Soir" (ca. 1898-1937) [H]
1367 Nongoma 1934 NA Nongoma, capital city of the Kwa-Zulu homeland, South Africa
1368 Numidia 1935 HD Numidia, ancient North African kingdom and Roman province [H]
1369 Ostanina 1935 QB Ostanina, Soviet Union (probably in Perm Krai now) [H]
1370 Hella 1935 QG Helene Nowacki, German astronomer [H]
1371 Resi 1935 QJ Cousin of Mrs. Schaub, acquaintance of the discoverer [H]
1372 Haremari 1935 QK In honour of all the women who worked at the Astronomisches Rechen-Institut: "Harem ARI" [H]
1373 Cincinnati 1935 QN Cincinnati Observatory, whose staff did most of the orbit computations [H]
1374 Isora 1935 UA Meaning unknown, chosen by Gustav Stracke, German astronomer « Isora = Isor A = Rosi » [H]
1375 Alfreda 1935 UB Friend of the discoverer [H]
1376 Michelle 1935 UH Michelle Boyer, third daughter of the discoverer [H]
1377 Roberbauxa 1936 CD Robert Baux (1900–1987), French engineer, childhood friend of the discoverer [H]
1378 Leonce 1936 DB Léonce Rigaux, father of the discoverer [H]
1379 Lomonosowa 1936 FC Mikhail Vasilevich Lomonosov, Russian polymath [H]
1380 Volodia 1936 FM Volodya, diminutive of the Russian name Vladimir. Named after Vladimir Vesselovsky, born the night of the asteroid's discovery [H]
1381 Danubia 1930 QJ Danube River [H]
1382 Gerti 1925 BB Gertrud Hoehne, secretary at the Astronomisches Rechen-Institut in Berlin, Germany [H]
1383 Limburgia 1934 RV Latin name for the province of Limburg [H]
1384 Kniertje 1934 RX Main character in the drama Op Hoop van Zegen by Herman Heijermans, Dutch journalist and dramatist [H]
1385 Gelria 1935 MJ Latin name for the Dutch province of Gelderland [H]
1386 Storeria 1935 PA Norman Wyman Storer, Professor of Astronomy at the University of Kansas , teacher to the orbit computer [H]
1387 Kama 1935 QD Kama River, tributary to the Volga, east of Kasan [H]
1388 Aphrodite 1935 SS Aphrodite, Greek goddess [H]
1389 Onnie 1935 SS1 A. Kruyt, sister-in-law of G. Pels, computational assistant at Sterrewacht Leiden (Leiden Observatory) [H]
1390 Abastumani 1935 TA Abastumani, Georgia, seat of the Abastumani Astrophysical Observatory [H]
1391 Carelia 1936 DA Latin name of Karelia, Finland [H]
1392 Pierre 1936 FO Nephew of discoverer [H]
1393 Sofala 1936 KD Sofala Province, Mozambique [H]
1394 Algoa 1936 LK Algoa Bay, South Africa [H]
1395 Aribeda 1936 OB Abbreviation of Astronomisches Rechen Institut, Berlin Dahlem [H]
1396 Outeniqua 1936 PF Outeniqua Mountains, in south western Cape Province, South Africa [H]
1397 Umtata 1936 PG Umtata, capital of Transkei, South Africa [H]
1398 Donnera 1936 QL Anders Severine Donner, Finnish astronomer, director of the Helsinki Observatory [H]
1399 Teneriffa 1936 QY Tenerife, Canary Islands [H]
1400 Tirela 1936 WA Charles Tirel, friend of the discoverer [H]
1401 Lavonne 1935 UD Granddaughter of Maud Worcester Makemson, American astronomer and the orbit's computer [H]
1402 Eri 1936 OC Erika Schattschneider-Kollnig, German astronomer [H]
1403 Idelsonia 1936 QA Naum Il'ich Idel'Son, Russian astronomer [H]
1404 Ajax 1936 QW Ajax, mythological Greek warrior [H]
1405 Sibelius 1936 RE Jean Sibelius, composer
1406 Komppa 1936 RF Gustaf Komppa, Finnish chancellor of Turku University and one of the founders of Turku Observatory [H]
1407 Lindelöf 1936 WC Ernst Leonard Lindelöf, Finnish mathematician [H]
1408 Trusanda 1936 WF Trude Hichgesand, an acquaintance of Heinrich Vogt, German astronomer [H]
1409 Isko 1937 AK Ise Koch, wife of Fritz Kubach, German astronomer [H]
1410 Margret 1937 AL Margret Braun, wife of Heinrich Vogt, German astronomer [H]
1411 Brauna 1937 AM Margret Braun, wife of Heinrich Vogt, German astronomer [H]
1412 Lagrula 1937 BA Joanny-Philippe Lagrula, French astronomer, at one time director of the Algiers Observatory [H]
1413 Roucarie 1937 CD Mother of discoverer [H]
1414 Jérôme 1937 CE Jérôme Boyer, father of discoverer [H]
1415 Malautra 1937 EA Wife of discoverer [H]
1416 Renauxa 1937 EC P. Renaux, French assistant astronomer at the Algiers Observatory [H]
1417 Walinskia 1937 GH (Unexplained) [H]
1418 Fayeta 1903 RG Gaston Fayet, French director of the Observatoire de Nice (Nice Observatory) [H]
1419 Danzig 1929 RF Danzig, German name for Gdańsk, Poland
1420 Radcliffe 1931 RJ In honour of the class of 1912 of Radcliffe College, Cambridge, Massachusetts [H]
1421 Esperanto 1936 FQ The Esperanto language [H]
1422 Strömgrenia 1936 QF Svante Elis Strömgren, Swedish-born Danish astronomer, director of the Copenhagen University Observatory and the Bureau central des télégrammes astronomiques (and father of Bengt Georg Daniel Strömgren, Danish astronomer) [H]
1423 Jose 1936 QM Giuseppina Bianchi, deceased young daughter of Emilio Bianchi, Italian astronomer [H]
1424 Sundmania 1937 AJ Karl Frithiof Sundman, Finnish mathematician, then director of the Helsingfors Observatory [H]
1425 Tuorla 1937 GB Tuorla Observatory, Finland, then the Research Institute for Astronomy and Optics [H]
1426 Riviera 1937 GF The French Riviera ? ([H] has no explanation)
1427 Ruvuma 1937 KB Ruvuma River, Tanzania [H]
1428 Mombasa 1937 NO Mombasa, Kenya [H]
1429 Pemba 1937 NH Pemba Island, Tanzania [H]
1430 Somalia 1937 NK Somalia
1431 Luanda 1937 OB Luanda, Angola
1432 Ethiopia 1937 PG Ethiopia (then called Abyssinia) [H]
1433 Geramtina 1937 UC Compound name in honour of the sister of Swedish astronomer Bror Ansgar Asplind [H]
1434 Margot 1936 FD1 (Unexplained) [H]
1435 Garlena 1936 WE Acquaintance of Prof. (Werner?) Schaub, German orbit computer [H]
1436 Salonta 1936 YA Salonta (Hungarian: Nagyszalonta), town in what is now Romania, and place of birth of the discoverer, the Hungarian astronomer György Kulin (1905–1989)
1437 Diomedes 1937 PB Diomedes, mythological Greek warrior involved in the Trojan War [H]
1438 Wendeline 1937 TC (Unexplained) [H]
1439 Vogtia 1937 TE Heinrich Vogt, German astronomer [H]
1440 Rostia 1937 TF Johann Leonhard Rost, German astronomer, author of the Atlas Portatilis Coelistis
1441 Bolyai 1937 WA János Bolyai, Hungarian mathematician
1442 Corvina 1937 YF Matthias Corvinus of Hungary, King of Hungary. His library, the Bibliotheca Corviniana was second in size and significance to the Vatican library
1443 Ruppina 1937 YG Ruppin, Germany, birthplace of Carl Wilhelm Ludwig Martin Ebell, German astronomer [H]
1444 Pannonia 1938 AE Pannonia, the ancient Roman province which is largely co-extensive with modern Transdanubia in modern Hungary
1445 Konkolya 1938 AF Nicolaus Thege von Konkoly (Thege Miklós Konkoly), founder of the Ó-Gyalla Observatory, now Hurbanovo Geomagnetic Observatory, Slovakia [H]
1446 Sillanpää 1938 BA Frans Eemil Sillanpää, Finnish author, winner of the 1939 Nobel Prize for Literature [6]
1447 Utra 1938 BB Utra, Finland, birthplace of discoverer [H]
1448 Lindbladia 1938 DF Bertil Lindblad, Swedish astronomer and former IAU president [H]
1449 Virtanen 1938 DO Artturi Ilmari Virtanen, Finnish biochemist, winner of the 1945 Nobel Prize for Chemistry [MPC 3023]
1450 Raimonda 1938 DP Jean Jacques Raimond, Dutch former president of the Koninklijke Nederlandse Vereniging voor Weer- en Sterrenkunde (NVWS) (Royal Dutch Meteorological and Astronomical Society) and director of the Zeiss planetarium in The Hague [H]
1451 Granö 1938 DT Johannes Gabriel Granö, Finnish geographer, explorer, and chancellor of Turku University [H]
1452 Hunnia 1938 DZ1 Literally, land of the Huns (the state founded by Attila the Hun) but used as a stylistic alternative for Hungary or Magyarország, or as a stylistic synonym for the land lying east of the Danube
1453 Fennia 1938 ED1 Latin name for Finland [H]
1454 Kalevala 1936 DO Kalevala, the Finnish epic poem
1455 Mitchella 1937 LF Maria Mitchell, American astronomer [H]
1456 Saldanha 1937 NG Saldanha harbour, South Africa
1457 Ankara 1937 PA Ankara, Turkey [H]
1458 Mineura 1937 RC Adolphe Mineur, Belgian mathematician [H]
1459 Magnya 1937 VA Name suggested by the orbit computers [H]
1460 Haltia 1937 WC Haltitunturi mountain or possibly haltia, Finnish word for elf
1461 Jean-Jacques 1937 YL Jean-Jacques, son of the discoverer [H]
1462 Zamenhof 1938 CA Ludovic Lazarus Zamenhof, Polish physician and linguist, inventor of Esperanto [H]
1463 Nordenmarkia 1938 CB Nils Viktor Emanuel Nordenmark, Swedish astronomer [H]
1464 Armisticia 1939 VO On the twenty-first anniversary of the World War I armistice, in the hope of a continuation of world peace [H]
1465 Autonoma 1938 FA Universidad Autonoma de El Salvador, in recognition of the hospitality granted to the Hamburg Observatory [H]
1466 Mündleria 1938 KA Max Mündler, German astronomer [H]
1467 Mashona 1938 OE Mashona people of Zimbabwe (then Rhodesia) [H]
1468 Zomba 1938 PA Zomba, Malawi (then Nyassaland) [H]
1469 Linzia 1938 QD Linz, Austria [H]
1470 Carla 1938 SD Carla Ziegler, friend of the discoverer [H]
1471 Tornio 1938 SL1 Tornio, Finland
1472 Muonio 1938 UQ Muonio, Finland
1473 Ounas 1938 UT Ounastunturi mountain
1474 Beira 1935 QY Beira, Mozambique [H]
1475 Yalta 1935 SM Yalta, Ukraine [H]
1476 Cox 1936 RA Jacques Cox (1898–1972), professor of astronomy at the University of Brussels [MPC 3824]
1477 Bonsdorffia 1938 CC Toivo Ilmari Bonsdorff, Finnish astronomer and founder of the Geodetic Institute of Finland [H]
1478 Vihuri 1938 CF A. Vihuri, Finnish ship owner and patron of the arts and sciences [H]
1479 Inkeri 1938 DE Discoverer's granddaughter and niece, and also the Finnish region of Ingria [H]
1480 Aunus 1938 DK Discoverer's grandson, and also the Finnish town Olonets in region of Karelia [H]
1481 Tübingia 1938 DR Tübingen, Germany, birthplace of Kepler [H]
1482 Sebastiana 1938 DA1 Johann Sebastian Bach, German composer [H]
1483 Hakoila 1938 DJ1 Kosti Johannes Hakoila, Finnish astronomer and the discoverer's assistant [H]
1484 Postrema 1938 HC Latin for "last", being the discoverer's last (this would not remain true) [H]
1485 Isa 1938 OB Diminutive of Marisa (named by Massimo Cimino, Italian astronomer) [H]
1486 Marilyn 1938 QA Marilyn Herget, daughter of Paul Herget, American astronomer [H]
1487 Boda 1938 WC Karl Boda, German astronomer [H]
1488 Aura 1938 XE Aura River, Finland [*] ([H] has no explanation)
1489 Attila 1939 GC Attila the Hun
1490 Limpopo 1936 LB Limpopo River, Africa [H]
1491 Balduinus 1938 EJ Latin form of the name Baldwin, in this case referring to King Baudouin of Belgium [H]
1492 Oppolzer 1938 FL Theodor von Oppolzer, Austrian astronomer [H]
1493 Sigrid 1938 QB Sigrid, wife of Bengt Georg Daniel Strömgren, Danish-American astronomer [H]
1494 Savo 1938 SJ Savonia, region of Finland [H]
1495 Helsinki 1938 SW Helsinki, Finland
1496 Turku 1938 SA1 Turku, Finland, home to the discoverer [H]
1497 Tampere 1938 SB1 Tampere, Finland
1498 Lahti 1938 SK1 Lahti, Finland
1499 Pori 1938 UF Pori, Finland
1500 Jyväskylä 1938 UH Jyväskylä, Finland
Preceded by
Meanings of minor planet names
List of minor planets: 1,001–1,500
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